An effort focused on HPC and related aspects complements these efforts and is consistent with
directions in the Nordic region as embodied in the
Nordic e-Science Action Plan:
- Action 6: Nordic Sharing and Exchange of eInfrastructure Resources
- Action 8: Nordic High Performance Computing Collaboration.
And in the NeIC Strategy Implementation Plan 2016-2020, which has Share Resources as one of the four
focus areas. From the Plan:
Resources can be hardware (CPU cycles, storage), software, services, or human resources. A framework for
sharing hardware resources is necessary for pursuing several collaboration opportunities, including HPC,
data storage and cloud initiatives. Important elements include federated authentication, authorization
and accounting, as well as harmonizing procedures in compliance with national rules and regulations.
Another opportunity is the sharing of application expertise for advanced user support.
One of the strong motivations on the part of the national providers is to more fully understand the
opportunities for their national researchers to have undisrupted access to high quality computational
resources during transition periods between systems and architectures. These transition periods
primarily occur during hardware upgrades and acquisitions.